I hope everybody has their “Wingnut Domestic Terrorist” Bingo Cards at hand, because it’s that time again!

Today’s square is “Lunatic asshole hates paying taxes so much he kills himself trying to murder a building full of innocent people”

If you’ve got that square on your board along with “Pro-choice activist murders doctor in church” and “Protestors burn politicians in effigy,” congratulations! You’re just a few squares away from winning a $50 Wal-Mart gift certificate and a 6 month supply of canned goods to get you through the  downfall of Western civilization – coming soon to a city near you.

John Cole over at Balloon Juice isn’t the only one to ask it, but the question of what to do about a problem like Scott Roeder persists.

So here’s the facts:

Soctt Roeder is a domestic terrorist by any definition of the word. He’s a religious zealot who committed a politically motivated murder.

He’s been in contact with at least one other convicted domestic terrorist, Cheryl Suellenger, who spent two years in a California prison for conspiring to bomb an abortion clinic in 1988. Of late, Suellenger has been employed as a senior policy advisor for Operation Rescue, the strident anti-abortion organization that has pronounced lukewarm denunciations of Roeder’s vigilantism while thoroughly approving of the fact that Tiller is dead.

Finally, Roeder claims to have knowledge of existing plans to commit further murders, but that’s all he’ll say.

Is Roeder just blowing smoke? Maybe. Maybe he just thought AP would get bored of his complaints about his jail cell and wanted to keep his iron in the media fire.

But put it this way: Scott Roeder is an anti-abortion fundamentalist and a domestic terrorist. He claims to have knowledge of future terrorist activity and has been in recent contact with a convicted anti-abortion terrorist in the employ of a US based radical anti-abortion organization to whose web site he frequently posted.

Now read that sentence again, but replace the phrase ‘anti-abortion’ with ‘Islamic.’ Is there any way that the organization would not be under every investigative spotlight that there is?

It’s time for a thorough federal investigation of Operation Rescue on the grounds that it may be providing material support to domestic terrorists, and I mean right now. Not next week, not after the next doctor has been murdered or the next clinic bombed.

Right damned now.